View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0000459Gameplay + OpenGL[All Projects] Bugpublic2017-03-21 18:41
ReporterMatthew the Glutton 
Assigned To_mental_ 
Status closedResolutionduplicate 
Summary0000459: [fb48a1b] Fatal error on quit
DescriptionWhen loading HD, things seem fine, then when I quit I get a "*** Fatal Error ***" in the console that will not go away until I force-kill GZDoom.
Steps To Reproduce1. Load GZDoom with this version
(doesn't really have to be this specific version but I haven't tried the others in depth)

2. Quit
Additional InformationIn debug, instead of the fatal error I get this
gzdoom: /home/mchan223/doom/gzdoom-fb48a1b776779e15b6feb56ed568473e2c8f0c73/src/zstring.h:99: void 
FStringData::Release(): Assertion `RefCount != 0' failed.
/home/mchan223/bin/gzdoom: line 2: 23600 Aborted                 ~/doom/./gzdoom $*
and I am able to use the console again without killing anything.
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duplicate of 0000453 closedRachael More memory error stuff 




2017-03-21 04:35

developer   ~0001070

It's the same as 453
Graf Zahl

Graf Zahl

2017-03-21 18:41

administrator   ~0001076

I really need to change the VM to avoid those string hacks in multi-type fields. They are a true horror and aside from being a stability issue also add a lot of cost to VM function calls because all the destructors need to run... :(

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2017-03-21 01:35 Matthew the Glutton New Issue
2017-03-21 04:35 _mental_ Assigned To => _mental_
2017-03-21 04:35 _mental_ Status new => closed
2017-03-21 04:35 _mental_ Resolution open => duplicate
2017-03-21 04:35 _mental_ Note Added: 0001070
2017-03-21 04:35 _mental_ Relationship added duplicate of 0000453
2017-03-21 18:41 Graf Zahl Note Added: 0001076