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ID | Project | Category | View Status | Date Submitted | Last Update |
0000183 | Software Renderer | [All Projects] Bug | public | 2017-02-04 13:21 | 2017-02-08 23:08 |
Reporter | Rachael | ||||
Assigned To | |||||
Priority | normal | Severity | crash | Reproducibility | random |
Status | resolved | Resolution | fixed | ||
Summary | 0000183: dpbjgc.cpp:PropagateMark() crash (seems to happen on exit) | ||||
Description | Seems to happen when exiting the game using the software renderer. Stack trace: > qzdoom.exe!GC::PropagateMark() Line 194 C++ qzdoom.exe!GC::FullGC() Line 546 C++ qzdoom.exe!P_FreeLevelData() Line 3452 C++ qzdoom.exe!P_Shutdown() Line 4200 C++ qzdoom.exe!call_terms() Line 225 C++ qzdoom.exe!__crt_seh_guarded_call<int>::operator()<<lambda_e24bbb7b643b32fcea6fa61b31d4c984>,<lambda_275893d493268fdec8709772e3fcec0e> & __ptr64,<lambda_9d71df4d7cf3f480f8d633942495c3b0> >(__acrt_lock_and_call::__l3::<lambda_e24bbb7b643b32fcea6fa61b31d4c984> && setup, _execute_onexit_table::__l22::<lambda_275893d493268fdec8709772e3fcec0e> & action, __acrt_lock_and_call::__l4::<lambda_9d71df4d7cf3f480f8d633942495c3b0> && cleanup) Line 199 C++ qzdoom.exe!_execute_onexit_table(_onexit_table_t * table) Line 222 C++ qzdoom.exe!common_exit(const int return_code, const _crt_exit_cleanup_mode cleanup_mode, const _crt_exit_return_mode return_mode) Line 215 C++ qzdoom.exe!Cmd_quit(FCommandLine & argv, APlayerPawn * who, int key) Line 108 C++ qzdoom.exe!C_DoCommand(const char * cmd, int keynum) Line 627 C++ qzdoom.exe!AddCommandString(char * cmd, int keynum) Line 728 C++ qzdoom.exe!C_HandleKey(event_t * ev, FCommandBuffer & buffer) Line 1593 C++ qzdoom.exe!D_ProcessEvents() Line 285 C++ qzdoom.exe!NetUpdate() Line 981 C++ qzdoom.exe!D_Display() Line 894 C++ qzdoom.exe!D_DoomLoop() Line 1019 C++ qzdoom.exe!D_DoomMain() Line 2687 C++ qzdoom.exe!DoMain(HINSTANCE__ * hInstance) Line 1035 C++ qzdoom.exe!WinMain(HINSTANCE__ * hInstance, HINSTANCE__ * nothing, char * cmdline, int nCmdShow) Line 1345 C++ [External Code] | ||||
Tags | No tags attached. | ||||
This may be a GZDoom issue as well, because I am getting problems there also, even with the hardware renderer activated. | |
A garbage collector crash could be caused by all kinds of things. It *could* be the software renderer, but only if there's a buffer overrun somewhere that ran over some GC memory. Unless you got this crash when running with r_scene_multithreaded enabled. In that case all bets are off and I wouldn't be surprised to see this kind of crash. |
These are normally missing write barriers. The menu code could cause them but I believe I plugged them all yesterday evening. | |
Marking this one as fixed because of what Graf said. | |
Date Modified | Username | Field | Change |
2017-02-04 13:21 | Rachael | New Issue | |
2017-02-04 13:26 | Rachael | Note Added: 0000375 | |
2017-02-04 15:02 | dpJudas | Note Added: 0000376 | |
2017-02-05 16:52 | Graf Zahl | Note Added: 0000404 | |
2017-02-08 23:08 | dpJudas | Status | new => resolved |
2017-02-08 23:08 | dpJudas | Resolution | open => fixed |
2017-02-08 23:08 | dpJudas | Note Added: 0000452 |