View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0000115Gameplay + OpenGL[All Projects] Featurepublic2017-01-31 09:15
ReporterMajor Cooke 
Assigned To_mental_ 
PrioritynormalSeverityfeatureReproducibilityhave not tried
Status resolvedResolutionfixed 
Summary0000115: "protected" CVARINFO key word
DescriptionAn idea: Protected cvars cannot be altered by the console unless sv_cheats is set to true regardless of difficulty. They can, however, be changed with ACS.
TagsNo tags attached.





2017-01-31 03:09

developer   ~0000297

In the first approach it's something like this.
Although I called the flag 'cheat' to do not introduce confusion with existing protected CVARs that can be set from command line but not in console.


2017-01-31 07:30

developer   ~0000302

Added in 6225f60
Major Cooke

Major Cooke

2017-01-31 09:15

reporter   ~0000303

Thanks! :D

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2017-01-24 09:52 Major Cooke New Issue
2017-01-29 21:18 Rachael Category Suggestion => Feature
2017-01-31 01:23 _mental_ Assigned To => _mental_
2017-01-31 01:23 _mental_ Status new => assigned
2017-01-31 03:09 _mental_ Note Added: 0000297
2017-01-31 07:30 _mental_ Status assigned => resolved
2017-01-31 07:30 _mental_ Resolution open => fixed
2017-01-31 07:30 _mental_ Note Added: 0000302
2017-01-31 09:15 Major Cooke Note Added: 0000303